During the Legacy Family recognition, 罗斯 Bartell ’80 (who competed in hockey with Head of School, 迈克·马赫)读了一封他自己写的信,仿佛那首曲子是他父母写的. In the letter, 巴特尔的父母表达了他们对澳门金沙app下载为家里许多人所做的一切的感激之情,感谢他们在学校的经历使他们获得了成功.
Here's 罗斯’s letter:
June 9th, 2023
To simplify, I’ll refer to our 9 Bartell alums as “our kids”.
简和我想花一点时间感谢你们每一个人,感谢你们为我们的关系发展到今天所做的贡献. 因此,我们的孩子接受了优秀的全面教育,在运动方面也取得了进步.
行政部门,感谢你们在录取阶段对我们的诚实. 你没有做出任何承诺,却为他们每个人敞开大门,证明他们的价值. 我们的孩子们经历了约翰·弗里德兰德校长和埃德·古德校长的伟大领导. And the school is in great hands with Mike Maher at the helm.
To the faculty, 感谢您通过亲身实践的方式为我们的每一个孩子带来最好的指导. A special thanks to those involved in guiding the 8 boys, and Sara and Leslie through the college selection process. 还要感谢里诺和德尔文塔尔教练拦截并没收了我妻子的许多饼干护理包……. 可怜的罗斯以为妈妈忘记他了,因为两周后饼干突然不送了. Reno gained 10 pounds and Coach D. eventually had a jersey to fit 罗斯….
感谢那些默默让孩子们在澳门金沙app下载的生活更加愉快的支持人员. 无论是一顿饭,一个灯泡,一辆车,还是一张友好的脸,你都让我们的家庭变得不同. Nurse Mary Hardy and Herbie from the maintenance team – wonderful. And good ‘ol Chief, the famous night watchman. Boy, was I happy to pass the household reins to him…..
To the coaches, 我们感谢您教会我们的孩子,态度和努力会产生影响,没有一个运动员比团队更伟大或更好. 我只希望你能教麦克斯、乔什和罗斯怎么远离该死的禁区…….
最后, 感谢校友们,他们的贡献使学校变得更美好,并为我们今天所享受的一切奠定了基础.
ROI(投资回报率)- - - -来自一个有商业头脑的家庭,这一直是一个重要的话题. ROI – is usually a financial term, but in Jean’s and my eyes, 我们的投资回报是我们的孩子在澳门金沙app下载的成长和受益, what they did with their new-found post-Northwood self, 以及他们是否接受了“把爱传递出去”的特质,这对帮助下一代非常重要. We are so delighted with our ROI.
- Son Jeff – in true Jeff fashion, 他加快了在澳门金沙app下载的学习进度,并继续这样的步伐,在短短3年半的时间里从克拉克森工程学院毕业.
- 表弟J.R. -在澳门金沙app下载表现出色,在普拉茨堡有一个伟大的职业生涯. 简和我在澳门金沙app下载的冰球之旅中玩得很开心,还有他的好父母道克和罗斯.
- 孙子乔希——跟随罗斯来到澳门金沙app下载和克拉克森,在那里他为马克·莫里斯(澳门金沙app下载校友和教练)效力,度过了伟大的职业生涯。, J.B. 目前是克拉克森大学的体育主任助理,也是4个曲棍球男孩的父亲。. Grandma Jean feels for Josh’s wife Meg!!
- 孙女萨拉——她自豪地向孩子们展示了另一项伟大的冬季运动,因为她在澳门金沙app下载和克拉克森的比赛中表现出色,在大四的时候担任队长.
- 孙子丹和迈克——都在澳门金沙app下载表现出色,在那里他们培养了对阿迪朗达克山脉的热爱. 迈克培养了这种激情,几年前从奥斯威戈州立大学(Oswego State)退役后搬到了阿迪朗达克. Dan’s passion for the Adirondacks - I remember him once saying, “爷爷, 没有什么比在澳门金沙app下载下车,呼吸第一次阿迪朗达克的空气更好的了.” Dan’s wife Julie attended Northwood’s soccer camps as a youngster. Who knew she’d grow up to become part of our Northwood Legacy!!
- Grandson 马克斯 – truly engulfed the Northwood spirit, went on to junior hockey and then a playing career at Utica College. 马克斯 has a lot in common with his father 罗斯…. Odd, they’ve both lead every team they’ve played for in penalties….. I think they must take after their mothers….
- 孙媳妇莱斯利·亚瑟伍德(Leslie Usherwood)带着正常的活力穿过澳门金沙app下载,在奥斯威戈(Oswego)大学网球生涯中取得了成功. 两个星期六前,莱斯利嫁给了我们的孙子,显示了她真正的澳门金沙app下载和巴特尔的本色, 马克斯, becoming Leslie Usherwood Bartell, such a wonderful addition to our family. 顺便说一下,莱斯利和她的妹妹劳伦和父亲卢也在澳门金沙app下载打曲棍球. If Leslie doesn’t misbehave too badly, maybe we’ll let Lauren and Lou into the B-Northwood clan in due time.
- 最后, 罗斯, 有趣的是,他的妻子黛布拉把她的几个孩子送到了澳门金沙app下载足球训练营, well before knowing a single Bartell!! 我曾经听到我的儿媳礼貌地抱怨说,她连续洗了5次衣服,没有一件不是澳门金沙app下载的衣服, only to look at piles 6 through 10 seeing only Clarkson apparel…. After Northwood, 罗斯 played for and graduated from Clarkson. It’s nice to see that he finally grew up to be the tallest, most handsome, 有礼貌的, weight conscious, referee-loving member of our clan!!!!!!!
澳门金沙app下载,我相信我们的孩子毕业后会比刚来的时候更优秀. And I hope our family left Northwood a better place than we found it. 我和简衷心地感谢澳门金沙app下载.
Signed: Lester and Jean Bartell